Saturday, January 5, 2013


What a year it was, 2012. Things happened, I bake more cakes last year, somebody broke in while we went hollidaying, macam-macam la. So... We learnt a lot!

And this year, Syafiyah started he kindy. She'll be 5 in a week time :) Syahmi is already in year 2. Hope he does as well as he did last year. You surely can do it sayang! And Aryan, petang je bosan sebab both kakak n abang g skolah. Yupp, i asked Teacher Pah to put Syafiyah up for afternoon session. So I wont have to berkejaran tgh hari tu nak pick her up, make sure syahmi dah mkn n siap, balik hntar syafiyah n ambik syahmi hntar g school. Huuuu.. We'll be fine, insyaAllah...