Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Ini aiskrim berperisa Neapolitan. I am planning to do Neapolitan layer cake. InsyaAllah...

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Kolej Tunku Kurshiah

Memories.... Was there since 16 December 1991 till November 1996. Loved and still love almost the whole time I was there. And since our beloved alma matter is going to move to Bandar Enstek, this is kinda the last goodbye lah. Ada sedikit 'rasa' di situ :)
Nway, didn't bring my camera, hubby took them both. So mengharapkan gambar2 dari kamera rakan rakan. Kasihan... Plus I brought the three munchkins so my hands are more than full! Met some friends, had a nice laugh, nice lunch, catching up... Had to go back early, dah merah2 muka anak2 saya itu! Hehehe...