Sunday, June 29, 2008

Potluck Dinner

I brought Rendang Kacang Panjang + Ayam & Dadih Ichigo. Hehe... Syahmi sangat suka! Yela, last week was minggu melayan tekak anak.

Rendang Ayam Dengan Kacang Panjang

  • Ayam @ Hati/Limpa/Pedal (Mak selalu guna part tulang-tulang n isi-isi dlm tuh)
  • Santan
  • Garam
  • Kunyit
  • Kacang panjang
  • Kerisik
  • Cili api (blended)
  • Serai
  • Daun limau purut

  • Ayam di gaul dengan cili api, garam, kunyit. Kecutkan (means keringkan airnya).
  • Masukkan santan n serai. Kacau jangan sampai tahi minyak.
  • Masukkan kacang panjang, kacau seketika. Masukkan kerisik.
  • Kacau hingga kering. Masukkan daun limau purut, kacau lagi. Siap.

Dadih strawberry

  • 1 paket dadih perisa strawberry
  • 3000 ml air
  • 1 tin susu cair (400 ml)
  • 100 gms gula
  • Sedikit buah naga/strawberry untuk hiasan

  • Masukkan air, gula n susu, didihkan.
  • Tutup api, kacau lagi selama 5 minit.
  • Masukkan serbuk dadih, kacau sebati.
  • Tuang kedalam bekas, sejukkan.
  • Hiaskan dengan buah.
  • Masuk kedalam peti sejuk.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Nasi Lemak Buah Bidara...

Hehehe... Went to Tini's place that afternoon & suddenly it started raining. Then the kids fell asleep, so waited for a while. Pastu hujan tuh xnak berenti! Uiks! Lucky Mr Hubby had to stay at the office so no rush la kan. Hehe... Balik je terus keluarkan bahan, mandikan the kids, masak. Siap masak Mr Hubby arrived from work. (Note, masa tuh dah pukul 11. Huhu... Dah nak pitam kelaparan). So terusla makan... Xleh buat selalu, Syafi nenen so sangat xlarat n penng if xmakan. Hmm...

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Lauk hostel. Hehe

We used to have this at our hostel's dining hall. At that time, we almost always would think, takde lauk lain ke nak masak! Change the ikan kembung to ikan jacket. Anyway, the above was what we had for dinner on Tuesday. Didn't plan to cook, but the kids fell asleep a bit earlier than usual due to flu, so last minute dinner it is.

Masak lemak su'un n fucuk
A box of coconut milk
A packet of su'un n fucuk
Onions, garlic, anchovies (the usuals, hehe)
Salt to taste
Water to thin the coconut milk

Put coconut milk, onions, anchovies, garlic, salt, let it heat a bit.
Put in the soaked su'un n fucuk, balnace the thickness with water.
Let it cook a while, and done!
* Sometimes my mom adds some sayur kambas or peria, but since tak makan, baik takyah letak. Hehe...

Ikan kembung goreng berlada
2 ekor ikan kembung (can be replaced by any other fishes)

Bawang besar
Bawang putih
2 tbs serbuk lada kering


Bersihkan ikan, salut dengan garam n kunyit, goreng.
Mayang bawang besar, bawang halus.
Tumis bawang sampai naik bau, masukkan lada kering.
Goreng lada kering sampai pecah minyak.
Perasakan dengan garam.
Curahkan kuah sambal ke atas ikan goreng, hidang.

There, simple je kan? The so not fancy dinner nih pun, habis nasik seperiuk! Selalu ada balance. Lapar kot... Pastu semua berasap panas2 lagi... Hehe...

Monday, June 23, 2008

Beef Rendang & Fishball Soup

My parents came over last Friday, till Sunday. So as always, mak brought some beef rendang for us. No recipes for the rendang. Simply because everytime she makes rendang, she'll alter the ingredients. And we had it for dinner last night (Mak put aside 1 big container for my hubby, he had department retreat last weekend). Rendang accompanied by Fishball soup. Kampung meets modern. Haha... No, just have to balance the cholestrol in the rendang with the soup. Konon!

Fishball Soup
White Mushrooms
Onions n garlic
Anchovies @ dried shrimps
Salt to taste

1. Put anchovies, onions, garlic, salt and some water, to boil.
2. When it's boiled, put in fishballs, broccoly, mushrooms and stir for a while till nicely done.
3. Ready to serve

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Ayam Masak Padang

For dinner tonight, I tested this recipe. Ayam Masak Padang. Hehe... Padang styled chicken? I guess so. Hubby said it tasted nice, next time can try other new recipes, to give variety. So here goes :D

Ayam Masak Padang
(taken from Mingguan Wanita, 23 June '06, Puteri Restaurant)

1 whole chicken (cut into 16)
2 bombay/green onions
3 garlics
2 tbs dried chillies
1 inch ginger
1/2 inch galangal
2 stalks of lemongrass
1 kg coconut milk
A few kaffir lime leaves

1. Blend/ground ingredients in italic, then fry them until golden brown. Put in the lemongrass as well.
2. Put in the chicken and a little water. When the water dried a bit, put in the coconut milk.
3. Let it cook. Finally put in the lime leaves.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The day I'm idea-less!

Haha... Really! I just didn't have a wink on what to feed my family. So I ended up with this. Hmm... Thought of having dinner out, but hubby had to stay late at the office, so...
> Plain rice
> Kentang goreng berlada (Potato with smbal gravy?)
> Chicken Tom Yam