Dec 31, Happy Birthday to myself. Terima kasih Ayah & Mak, for taking care of me since I was in the tummy up till now :) N thank you to Sayang, Syahmi, Syafiyah for being my world...
Jan 1, a brand new year. What a year it has been, 2010. Ups & downs, super huge things, starting something new, ending something old... What a year it has been :) So heres to a fresh new start! あけましておめでとうございます!
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
Ayam Goreng Cili Api
When I cook this I'll have to make another dish for the kids, krg nangis mereka xde lauk nanti. So double the work. As long as they eat then it's ok la kot...
Ayam Goreng Cili Api
Ayam (potong kekecik n salut garam kunyit sket)
Bawang Besar
Bawang Putih (ketuk, hentak, sukati la :p)
Halia (hiris)
Lada api
Goreng sebentar ayam td, smpai msk laaa seeloknya, unless kalau nak berkuah. Kalau nak berkuah separa msk je pun ok dah.
Alihkan ayam, kurangkan minyak, tumis segala bawang n halia td.
Masukkan lada api, make sure lada api tuh masak ye, krg lada tak masak haruslah sakit perut.
Rasakan garamnya.
Masukkan ayam grg td. Kalau nak berkuah, tambah air sket. Kalau tak tu kacau kacau kacau, bagi rata ayam dengan bebawang.
Tutup api, hidangkan...
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Out of the area
Where: The Legend Hotel, KL
Why: En Hubby is finishing his Annual Leave, I just need to get out of the house, We need time for ourselves :)
When: Sometimes during the KLIMS 10
Met Aja, went for the Motorshow, had fun, worried sick for a while coz somehow the phone managed to worm its way out of my pocket and sat on the chair until morning at The Mall's Foodcourt (had to go there after Subuh n use the lif pekerja haruslah indon2 tu heran apa masalah akak ngan abg ni turun sgt awal kat foodcourt tuh :p). We had fun, yeay! Thanks for the time Encik Shahrizan :)
* More pictures at my FB
Why: En Hubby is finishing his Annual Leave, I just need to get out of the house, We need time for ourselves :)
When: Sometimes during the KLIMS 10
Met Aja, went for the Motorshow, had fun, worried sick for a while coz somehow the phone managed to worm its way out of my pocket and sat on the chair until morning at The Mall's Foodcourt (had to go there after Subuh n use the lif pekerja haruslah indon2 tu heran apa masalah akak ngan abg ni turun sgt awal kat foodcourt tuh :p). We had fun, yeay! Thanks for the time Encik Shahrizan :)
* More pictures at my FB
Why that song? Blog aku, sukati aku la! Haha... Xde la, heard it on tv, a little melancholic, moodswings, yadda yadda... It's a good song anyway, to me at least. And not everything is meant to be said. And not everything said, chosen, and done is the right thing. But Allah works in His own mysterious way, and of course, He knows best. So, be thankful for what we have, and don't fret over something you don't, and don't be sad if your wishes don't come true, and don't wish for something you can't. Tu namanya ayat menyedapkan hati :)
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Puff Sardin Segera
Huh, xcantiknya lipatan puff itu! Fedulik, janji rasa sedap :p Tu namanya ayat memujuk diri sendiri. Cuba lagi di masa hadapan. Hahaha...
Nway, the recipy was taken from yang bertuankan Puan Rosmarlina ye. Gi la masuk sana, harus sawan makan lepas tuh. Huhuhu...
Puff Sardin Segera
3 keping roti paratha segera
1 tin kecil tuna flakes (in my case, sardin la)
2 sudu besar mayonis
sedikit hirisan bawang besar
sedikit lada sulah.
sedikit telur ( untuk gliss pada tuna puff nanti)
1. Buat inti tuna puff, buang minyak yang terdapat dalam tin tuna flakes, kemudian campurkan dengan hirisan bawang besar, mayonis dan lada sulah.
2. Selepas itu, ambil sekeping roti paratha segera dan bahagi 4 bahagian, letakkan satu sudu besar inti tuna di tengah-tengah roti paratha dan lipat kemas, se-akan bentuk segi tiga, susun tuna puff di atas dulang pembakar, pastikan bahagian yang di lipat diletakkan di bahagian bawah dan gunting sedikit permukaan tuna puff, gliss kan tuna puff dengan sedikit telur. Ulang langkah tadi sehingga roti paratha dan inti tuna flakes habis digunakan.
3. Akhir sekali bakar tuna puff di dalam oven pada suhu 180darjah, selama 25 hingga 30 minit ataupun sehinga puff perang. Sedap dimakan panas-panas.
Sila la g ke Tuna Puff Segera @ untuk cara2 melipat (especially utk org2 xreti melipat kuih seperti saya nih. Dah ada cara pun gagal jugak, camno tuh! Hahaha... Janjinya habis dengan jayanya ye, kids pun makan, so harusla kata sedap kan :p
Lari dari rumah
Who? Girl & Pingu.
Why? Merajuk katanya.
When? Monday afternoon.
See the bags further behind? Bersungguh la Syafi pakai bagpack n seret trolley bag tuh. Kesian... Hehehe... But since Ibu refused to open the grill for her, she just sulked, asked for air koko, n go to sleep. Leaving her 2 BFFs 'sleeping' very near the sliding door. Berharap lagi tuh! Hahaha
Why? Merajuk katanya.
When? Monday afternoon.
See the bags further behind? Bersungguh la Syafi pakai bagpack n seret trolley bag tuh. Kesian... Hehehe... But since Ibu refused to open the grill for her, she just sulked, asked for air koko, n go to sleep. Leaving her 2 BFFs 'sleeping' very near the sliding door. Berharap lagi tuh! Hahaha
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Big breakfast!
No la, we didn't go to McD for breakfast, other than when we stayed in KL the other day. Did I tell about the holiday? No, didn't I? Will write abt it later, kot :p
So anyway, this is what I had for breakfast yesterday. Lepas makan terus rasa bersalah sbb sgt ___ & ___. Fill in the blanks with whatever comes to your mind ya, hehehe... Just a not so basic chicken slice sandwich, no biggie there. But really filling I kid you not!
So anyway, this is what I had for breakfast yesterday. Lepas makan terus rasa bersalah sbb sgt ___ & ___. Fill in the blanks with whatever comes to your mind ya, hehehe... Just a not so basic chicken slice sandwich, no biggie there. But really filling I kid you not!
2 slices of bread
An egg, sunny side up (telur mata kerbau)
1 chicken slice (or 2 if u r super hungry)
Salad/cucumber/tomato (to your liking)
Mayo/Chilli sauce
Fry the egg, the chicken slice, toast the bread, arrange them on top of each other.
If u want the cheese to melt, put the arranged sandwich (minus the sayur obviously) in the oven or microwave it for a while. JUST for a while, kalau tak roti tu lemau xsedap.
Then put some mayo n sauce, to your preferences.
Baca doa, sila makan :D
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Busy sesaje, kan? Hehe... Not really, my busy time are mostly towards the weekend, org nak bwk balik kek ke kampung, org nak jamu mak mentua dtg rumah... Translation has taken quite a backseat lately, whats with me ala2 merajuk xnak buat translation due to that particular incident before. Hmm... Xpe la...
So anyway... We have a new addition to our list of products in Luscious. Carrot Cheese Cake :) So far the review has been good, alhamdulillah... The price is RM35 sebijik. Do try if you haven't already! :D
So anyway... We have a new addition to our list of products in Luscious. Carrot Cheese Cake :) So far the review has been good, alhamdulillah... The price is RM35 sebijik. Do try if you haven't already! :D
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Nasi Goreng
Yg atas tu masa sahur bulan puasa haritu rasanya. Yg bawah tu tgh mlm semalam. Haha... Konon nak g pasar malam tapi hujan... So dok je la kat rmh. Tunggu org offer nak gi belikan dinner xada la pulak, so at 11, basuh beras, masak nasik, potong daging, bawang dah siap, tinggal ikan bilis je nak tumbuk, then by 11.40 dah boleh makan. Extra cili api. Suka! Hehehe... Panas2, tgh lapar, memangla sedap :p
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
I really miss those 2 years. Not so much trouble, karenah birokrasi (wah!), far from everyone (yes, absence makes the heart grow fonder, bila jauh org sayang lebih sket, hehe), everyday g cari aktiviti dgn kawan2, elaun masuk sesaje... Best la... Balik Malaysia, its reality lah kan, heavier loads the moment we stepped off board. But then again, that is life. You can't expect life to be rosy all the way, that would be fairy tales. You can't expect life to be going your way all the time, Allah gives you trials and tribulations to make you stronger, to test you, to pull you back to Him. Haritu sambil2 basuh rumah (saya kan mangsa banjir :p), dengar la ustaz jawa tuh bagi tazkirah. Jangan mengeluh, katanya. Yupp, cuba lah untuk tidak mengeluh :) Sometimes I (don't know abt others) do wish for a rewind button. Sometimes I do wish for a delete button. But then again, I am a mere human. No matter how much I want things to be different, things happens for a reason. Just accept that :)
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Ubi kayu rebus :D
Mak ada bagi ubi haritu. Pastu tgk FB, Mamafami g rebus ubi la pulak petang tu. Ishk... So, keluarkan ubi tu, rebus la... Tau kan rebus ubi kan? :D
Ubi Rebus
Potong ubi tuh ikut saiz yg suka.
Masukkan air sehingga melitupi (ni ayat mak ye) ubi tu.
Letak garam secukup rasa, jangan masin sgt, hilang rasa ubi tuh!
Rebus smpai empuk, then kalau air berlebih, buang air tuh. Letak semula di atas api kecil keringkan sehingga airnya hapus (again, ayat Hjh Tiarom).
Boleh dihidang bersama smbal ikan bilis (mcm biasa mak saya buat), or kelapa parut ngan garam, or gula, or sukati la, ikutla kebiasaan sendiri.
Ubi Rebus
Potong ubi tuh ikut saiz yg suka.
Masukkan air sehingga melitupi (ni ayat mak ye) ubi tu.
Letak garam secukup rasa, jangan masin sgt, hilang rasa ubi tuh!
Rebus smpai empuk, then kalau air berlebih, buang air tuh. Letak semula di atas api kecil keringkan sehingga airnya hapus (again, ayat Hjh Tiarom).
Boleh dihidang bersama smbal ikan bilis (mcm biasa mak saya buat), or kelapa parut ngan garam, or gula, or sukati la, ikutla kebiasaan sendiri.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
This is what's keeping me busy these days :) Busy is good, ey?
Yg ni Chocolate Brownies. We also have Non-Bake Cheesecake, and also Chocolate Marble Cheese Brownies. So weekdays selalunya xde la busy sgt so bole buat kerja2 office, nak dekat weekend busy. Alhamdulillah... :)
Yg ni Chocolate Brownies. We also have Non-Bake Cheesecake, and also Chocolate Marble Cheese Brownies. So weekdays selalunya xde la busy sgt so bole buat kerja2 office, nak dekat weekend busy. Alhamdulillah... :)
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Hooked on
Haven't been updating the blog. Coz I have been super busy. Seriously! Even now I'm waiting for the brownies to bake. Am so freakin tired! Isk...
Anyway, this was on my status just now. ( .. ... .... .... . .... ... .. .... ... .. ..... .. .... ... .... ....... .. ..!!!!!!) Go figure, hehe... I know in days to come I myself won't be able to decipher it but... That is exactly how I'm feeling at the moment. No right or wrong, it's already out of my hands. And the song above has nothing to do with it. Tetiba mcm best lak dgr Miss Ana Raffali ni nyanyi :) Kot. Hehe... Sedapla lagunya... Kan? Kan?
Anyway... I didn't get the translating job I was sooooooo aiming for. For no specific reason. She tried to call, but my phone was uncontactable, so maybe she thinks I wasn't serious. Not my rizq kot, kena fikir mcm tu la... Frust la jugak... Bila contact dia balik, she said nanti. In my line of work, xboleh nak tunggu2 la. Kena faham sendiri la kot. Sigh... So mari kita ulang dan ulang dan ulang lagi lagu ni smpai mabuk! Haha... Kena sedapkan hati sendiri, no matter how heavy it is :)
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
An off day... For me!
Friday, October 1, 2010
Sebelum Cahaya
Lately sgt suka dgr lagu ni. N nope, I don't watch sinetrons ye, xkuasa nak follow. Dah lama suka but lately sgt selalu keluar tv so selalu dgr so hooked up to it again.
Last week was fun! Ayah, Mak n of course Hadirah came over. But Ayah had to go back on Saturday sebab banyak jemputan. Mak stayed until Thursday. Yeay! Brought Mak n Hadirah to Kizsport Saturday evening, it was Nabilah's birthday party. Gosh, semua org dah besar! Kakak nak PMR dah 5th October ni! Wow! Syahmi pun nak masuk pre-school dah next year, tetiba mcm melancholic sket. Mmm...
So anyway, tido kat rumah Angah n Kakak kat belakang 1Utama tuh, lepak smpai Sunday. Pastu menyesal, sbb dah dekat sgt with 1U n IKEA tp xgi. Hahaha... K Long datang gak Sunday tu, lunch. G beli lunch kat Sg Penchala, kedai blakang Masjid kat traffic light yg org leh parking suka hati tuh. Gila kejap tgk lauk banyak gilos! Nama kedai was Sambal Hijau. The green sambal is gila pedas! Terus selsema balik! Nah, don't blame the sambal, mmg nak selsema pun, haha... Malam lps dinner baru balik. Otsukaresama Angah Kakak N Nabilah...
Mula2 nak ikut mak balik, tp ada kena jmpa org, open houses n sekian sekian, so kensel la. Ikut smpai KL Sentral je, pastu naik atas hntar perencah, then bwk kids mkn KFC sbb diorg dah nmpak dan dan tuh lapar! Huh! Td kat rumah xde plak laparnya kan? Pusing2 kedai magazine, then balik... Pastu xtau kena trn n change train kat Sg Buloh, so lari naik tangga with Syafiyah on the stroller. Ya, gigih I angkat stroller itu! Haha... Sebbaik diorg tunggu n mujur ada harapan lg utk org Msia, bagi gak duduk. Mesti muka dah macam nak pengsan nye :p Teringat peristiwa mengejar shinkansen dgn geng g Hiroshima dulu. Macam tu la rupanya. Cuma ni xde geng nak jerit2 la, hahaha...
Last week was fun! Ayah, Mak n of course Hadirah came over. But Ayah had to go back on Saturday sebab banyak jemputan. Mak stayed until Thursday. Yeay! Brought Mak n Hadirah to Kizsport Saturday evening, it was Nabilah's birthday party. Gosh, semua org dah besar! Kakak nak PMR dah 5th October ni! Wow! Syahmi pun nak masuk pre-school dah next year, tetiba mcm melancholic sket. Mmm...
So anyway, tido kat rumah Angah n Kakak kat belakang 1Utama tuh, lepak smpai Sunday. Pastu menyesal, sbb dah dekat sgt with 1U n IKEA tp xgi. Hahaha... K Long datang gak Sunday tu, lunch. G beli lunch kat Sg Penchala, kedai blakang Masjid kat traffic light yg org leh parking suka hati tuh. Gila kejap tgk lauk banyak gilos! Nama kedai was Sambal Hijau. The green sambal is gila pedas! Terus selsema balik! Nah, don't blame the sambal, mmg nak selsema pun, haha... Malam lps dinner baru balik. Otsukaresama Angah Kakak N Nabilah...
Mula2 nak ikut mak balik, tp ada kena jmpa org, open houses n sekian sekian, so kensel la. Ikut smpai KL Sentral je, pastu naik atas hntar perencah, then bwk kids mkn KFC sbb diorg dah nmpak dan dan tuh lapar! Huh! Td kat rumah xde plak laparnya kan? Pusing2 kedai magazine, then balik... Pastu xtau kena trn n change train kat Sg Buloh, so lari naik tangga with Syafiyah on the stroller. Ya, gigih I angkat stroller itu! Haha... Sebbaik diorg tunggu n mujur ada harapan lg utk org Msia, bagi gak duduk. Mesti muka dah macam nak pengsan nye :p Teringat peristiwa mengejar shinkansen dgn geng g Hiroshima dulu. Macam tu la rupanya. Cuma ni xde geng nak jerit2 la, hahaha...
Monday, September 20, 2010
Hari Raya Aidil Fitri 2010
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
I did small braids on Syafiyah's hair last night. And she was cooperating! Haha.. Must be nice having someone doing your hair, lalok je muka dia. Haha... Not so neat, saja2 buat je pun. Td bukak kembang la rmbut bdk tu :p
And this was last night's dinner. Daging Lada Hitam. Their favorite. And simple to cook too!
And this was last night's dinner. Daging Lada Hitam. Their favorite. And simple to cook too!
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Batu belah batu bertangkup
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On Saturday we went to Shah Alam for Aiman's birthday. We were supposed to go to Lenn's kenduri aqiqah, but the troop slept gila2 nye. Huh! Sampai kat party Aiman dah 4.30pm, n party nya hbs kol 5, boleh? Lambat gila! Then we went to Puchong to pick up the kids (n their Ayah's) present. Then dinner with Abang n Kak Za at Seri Kembangan. Then balik. Ingat nak test present tuh, tapi bdk2 dah tido, so xberjaya laa...
Sunday morning carik breakfast semua kedai dah xde. Lapar rupanya org Bandar Sg Buaya di pg Ahad ye? Hahaha... So kena la buat breakfast. Buat Bihun Sup je. Lunch lak En Hubby g beli Nasi Ayam. Pastu lepas maghrib dia ajak keluar g carik bnda utk present mereka tu, so mkn lagi kat luar. Record ni, 3 hari xmasak. Pastu semua request bagi je. Like he was on a mission lak, to please me, haha... Xpe la, bagusla tu. Then I should do the same for him la kan?
Harini ada appt ngan prospect. Harap2 jadi la... Ni kejap lg nak g bawak the kids g school. Diorg tgh mandi, super excited nmpaknya tuh. Alhamdulillah...
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Movie Night
Promised the kids to watch The Sorcerer's Apprentice. It was fun! And the kids loved it! Especially Syahmi coz he likes the song. What to do, my kids listen to @ Non intentionally, belagak jauh sekali (I penah kena, ok!), but it's kinda natural that the kids will follow what the parents do, right? They do listen to malay songs of course, the likes of FT, Bunkface. Hehe...
So anyway, Encik Hubby SMSed; 'Sayang, kita g tgk movie nak mlm ni? Esok baru mkn lasagna , mlm esok sure ramai org nye'. Cerita batubelah batu betangkup versi syariza ye, dah sebulan request xdapat lg lasagna nye! So siap2, keluar. Xde la hebat pun, just watched at selayang Capitol. All the better! There were only 10 people (including Syahmi & Syafiyah) in the hall! Sesuka hati la anak2 aku duduk mana2. Our favorite scene? The musical tesla. Cool! But being a Disney movie, you can't expect an over the top fighting scene obviously. But then, kami mmg suka cerita2 karut mcm ni, haha... Pastu... Its Con Air all over again. I just L.O.V.E Nicolas Cage! Sangat! Boleh tak tolong sikat sket rambut dia?
Ni Syahmi nye fav song la, for this week. Terpaksa la ibunya download,, but I like it too, so no problem over there :p
Next up? The Last Airbender! Yeay!
So anyway, Encik Hubby SMSed; 'Sayang, kita g tgk movie nak mlm ni? Esok baru mkn lasagna , mlm esok sure ramai org nye'. Cerita batubelah batu betangkup versi syariza ye, dah sebulan request xdapat lg lasagna nye! So siap2, keluar. Xde la hebat pun, just watched at selayang Capitol. All the better! There were only 10 people (including Syahmi & Syafiyah) in the hall! Sesuka hati la anak2 aku duduk mana2. Our favorite scene? The musical tesla. Cool! But being a Disney movie, you can't expect an over the top fighting scene obviously. But then, kami mmg suka cerita2 karut mcm ni, haha... Pastu... Its Con Air all over again. I just L.O.V.E Nicolas Cage! Sangat! Boleh tak tolong sikat sket rambut dia?
Ni Syahmi nye fav song la, for this week. Terpaksa la ibunya download,, but I like it too, so no problem over there :p
Next up? The Last Airbender! Yeay!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Rendang Ayam
I suddenly have the craving for Chicken Rendang. Not the 'craving' craving, hehe... Dah lama xmakan. Mr Hubby prefers Rendang Daging, me don't eat rendang daging unless if there's nothing else there. N this one mengelat sket, guna Perencah Seri Tunjung, hehe... Ye la, dah awak menjual, kalau sendiri xmengguna mcm mana la kan? But if you want a spicier hotter rendang, better take the MAHARANI rendang paste. Seri Tunjung is from Kelantan, Kelantanese doesn't eat too spicy food (generally speaking la ni). But cukupla to satisfy my tekak... Tekak adalah jahat lately, but then again, thats what u get from bloghopping di food blogs yg banyak itew! Huhuhu...
Ok, enough for now. Xde resepi sebab instant, haha... Nak masuk office balik la ye. Another sleepless night for me... Huuu...
Ok, enough for now. Xde resepi sebab instant, haha... Nak masuk office balik la ye. Another sleepless night for me... Huuu...
Monday, July 12, 2010
Alhamdulillah... Just finished the 1st part of the thesis last night. Nope, not mine. I am doing proofreading (editing to some) for a friend's PHD student. He's from Iran, in a big rush coz he'll be going home on the 22nd. A little pressured. But like Yana said, we last minute workers work best under stress! Haha... Alhamdulillah, for me, my income comes from these jobs, so busy is good, ey? But kesian the kids la, kena layan diri sendiri. & alhamdulliah again, Syahmi boleh diharap jaga adik dia. Layan je, then bila adik leka, dtg kat ibu mengadu. Adik ni, tired Ami. Haha.. Banyak permintaan cik puan tu kat abang dia, paksa tau Syahmi layan! Hahaha...
Ok, back to the office. Am trying to finish this ASAP. Panda pun panda laaaa (am referring to the eyes, hehe)
Ok, back to the office. Am trying to finish this ASAP. Panda pun panda laaaa (am referring to the eyes, hehe)
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Germany 3-2 Uruguay
Huda, aku pinjam gmbar ko ek, hehehe... Hmm... I would very much prefer if they got the cup instead. But 3rd place is consolation la... Dah penat terover perform masa awal2 kot (alasan!). Watched it on TV1 first, then changed to Arena. Ye, rumah kami xde SuperSports. So? Komplen kalu, tolong bayarkan. Haha... Mula2 pengulas sukan tu buat ulasan the game in Malay. Not that I have anything against the language, I hate the way they comment! Tepekik pekik! Dulu masa kat Nihon pun dgr comment in their mother touge jugak tp xla irritating sangat. Ke sebab mmg aku xpaham? :p Malaysia should get some new sports commentator. Yg ok sket mcm Rahim Razali, dia tenang sket. Hasbullah Awang is a no to me, sila bersara ye. Dahla haritu komen game World Cup tersyasyul. 1 nya sukati ckp nama org, pastu ayat best, ... pada PIALA THOMAS tahun ini. Deyyy!! I knowla WC is like 4 years sekali tp kalo sasul smpai beberapa kali n bukanla 1st match pun, adalah agak unacceptable. Kalo sekali bolehla buat lawak, tp... Yelah, mere human kan?
Malam ni tgk finals pulak. Oranje ka Spain ka?
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Tangan dia
Sian dia kan? Bila la nak elok nih :( Nampak lg teruk sebab dia garu. Bila garu, luka. Comot dah tgn anak aku. Ishk...
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Tiring indeed!
At the moment there's a boy leaning on my left hand and a girl on my lap. Heaven. Bliss. Alhmadulillah...
Last weekend we went to Seri Kembangan, En Hubby's sister's house. His parents and Paksu's family were there. Paksu stopped by on the way to Johor, his daughter accepted the offer to do undergrad in UTM.
Saturday afternoon, lepak2 je, xde buat apa. Thought of going out but the kids were too busy playing n hubby went out with his brother. So dok je la rumah. Plus I was sleepy, thanks to the meds. Haiyaa... Rasa mcm nak letak mancis!
Then borak bagai, Mieja sampai, ntah mcm mana leh keluar topik 'Jom tgk Toy Story 3?!' Agreed to go but I didn't want to watch. Discuss lebih kurang, book tiket, so on for Sunday afternoon. Since I won't be watching the movie sebab dah tgk (nak tgk The A-Team tp show kol 9.30mlm), Mak said she wanted to tag along, mintak I bawak dia shopping. Nervous weyy!! Mana penah dating ngan mak men! Hahaha...
But the shopping date went well la actually. Kagum la ngan diri sendiri. Terpaksa beli kasut sebab dah cramp betis. I plan nak g kedai buku je, lepak baca buku free, haha.. Dah mak ajak teman shopping, on je la. Imagine berjalan n carik baju for 2 hours! Kagum kan MIL I? Menantu ni sakit kaki, dia relax je. Dah duduk makan baru ckp, lenguh dah kaki mak. Tejerit aku! Mak! Baru sekarang mak sakit kaki! Hahahaha... Mak beli baju utk Dina, akak xsempat nak g sendiri n senang xde bdk tag along kan. Pastu utk abah, ngan Paksu. Aku beli seluar Syahmi, blouse Syafiyah, shirt utk Mr Shah. Suka! Walaupun tu bkn kaler yg dia biasa pakai :p Kita kena mengambil kesempatan ke atas sale2 yg ada :p
Kesimpulannya, kaki aku lenguh lagik. Huhuhu... Lenkali kalo nak bawak mak shopping kena pakai sneakers or ballet shoes tu la, gagah sket nak jln 2-3 jam :p
Nway, happy sebab Germany menang gilos gilos! n Xberapa happy sebab tgn syafiyah xelok lagi dari serangan gigitan serangga tuh. Tp td letak bedak sejuk mcm surut sket. Mmm...
Last weekend we went to Seri Kembangan, En Hubby's sister's house. His parents and Paksu's family were there. Paksu stopped by on the way to Johor, his daughter accepted the offer to do undergrad in UTM.
Saturday afternoon, lepak2 je, xde buat apa. Thought of going out but the kids were too busy playing n hubby went out with his brother. So dok je la rumah. Plus I was sleepy, thanks to the meds. Haiyaa... Rasa mcm nak letak mancis!
Then borak bagai, Mieja sampai, ntah mcm mana leh keluar topik 'Jom tgk Toy Story 3?!' Agreed to go but I didn't want to watch. Discuss lebih kurang, book tiket, so on for Sunday afternoon. Since I won't be watching the movie sebab dah tgk (nak tgk The A-Team tp show kol 9.30mlm), Mak said she wanted to tag along, mintak I bawak dia shopping. Nervous weyy!! Mana penah dating ngan mak men! Hahaha...
But the shopping date went well la actually. Kagum la ngan diri sendiri. Terpaksa beli kasut sebab dah cramp betis. I plan nak g kedai buku je, lepak baca buku free, haha.. Dah mak ajak teman shopping, on je la. Imagine berjalan n carik baju for 2 hours! Kagum kan MIL I? Menantu ni sakit kaki, dia relax je. Dah duduk makan baru ckp, lenguh dah kaki mak. Tejerit aku! Mak! Baru sekarang mak sakit kaki! Hahahaha... Mak beli baju utk Dina, akak xsempat nak g sendiri n senang xde bdk tag along kan. Pastu utk abah, ngan Paksu. Aku beli seluar Syahmi, blouse Syafiyah, shirt utk Mr Shah. Suka! Walaupun tu bkn kaler yg dia biasa pakai :p Kita kena mengambil kesempatan ke atas sale2 yg ada :p
Kesimpulannya, kaki aku lenguh lagik. Huhuhu... Lenkali kalo nak bawak mak shopping kena pakai sneakers or ballet shoes tu la, gagah sket nak jln 2-3 jam :p
Nway, happy sebab Germany menang gilos gilos! n Xberapa happy sebab tgn syafiyah xelok lagi dari serangan gigitan serangga tuh. Tp td letak bedak sejuk mcm surut sket. Mmm...
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Mee Bandung, Mee Sup, n Azzurri
Mlm ni msk simple je. Xberapa larat, subuh td bangun teruk betul selsema. Pesal ntah. Ingat nak puasa, tp kot dah nak bernafas pun susah, xdapeklaa... Bangun trn bwh mkn ubat, terbukak tv plak. Tertengok bola plak. But pg td nye match ok la lagik, xmenyedihkan mcm mlm ni punya. Huwaaaaaa..... Frust gua! Huh! Azzurri! Apekah!?!
Nway, dinner td masak Mee Sup for the kids (dedua bertambah, alhamdulillah...), n Mee Bandung for me n Mr Hubby. Recycle gmbar lama je, td meong kepala, xleh fokus. Sebbaik menjadi kuahnya (harusla jadi sebab guna perencah MAHARANI tu kan). Promote nih! Haha... Budak2 tu kalau diikutkan sgt suka sup ayam. Kot pagi bihun sup, tgh hari nasik ngan sup ayam, dinner bihun sup jugak pun boleh. Paling best bila diorg ckp, Tq Ibu, masakkan chicken sup for Ami n Adik (obviously Syahmi is the one talking, adik nye yg paham part Tq ibu tu je, tu pun selalu terbalik ckp welocome ibu!). N best tp xbest bila dedua sebok nak dtg kiss n give ibu a hug dengan tgn n mulut xbasuh lagik! Huaaaa, bau sup ayam daaa...
Ni dedua xtido lagi, tgk shaun the sheep. N melayan frustration ibu terhadap world cup tahun ini. Semua yg aku sokong semua kalah! Aku nak sokong Brazil la, biar diorg kalah jugak! Hahaha
Nway, dinner td masak Mee Sup for the kids (dedua bertambah, alhamdulillah...), n Mee Bandung for me n Mr Hubby. Recycle gmbar lama je, td meong kepala, xleh fokus. Sebbaik menjadi kuahnya (harusla jadi sebab guna perencah MAHARANI tu kan). Promote nih! Haha... Budak2 tu kalau diikutkan sgt suka sup ayam. Kot pagi bihun sup, tgh hari nasik ngan sup ayam, dinner bihun sup jugak pun boleh. Paling best bila diorg ckp, Tq Ibu, masakkan chicken sup for Ami n Adik (obviously Syahmi is the one talking, adik nye yg paham part Tq ibu tu je, tu pun selalu terbalik ckp welocome ibu!). N best tp xbest bila dedua sebok nak dtg kiss n give ibu a hug dengan tgn n mulut xbasuh lagik! Huaaaa, bau sup ayam daaa...
Ni dedua xtido lagi, tgk shaun the sheep. N melayan frustration ibu terhadap world cup tahun ini. Semua yg aku sokong semua kalah! Aku nak sokong Brazil la, biar diorg kalah jugak! Hahaha
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Ketam Masak Cili
Aritu g Tesco jumpa ketam, nmpak ok, so belila 4 ekor comel2. Can't buy too much, I am the only one who knows how to eat it. Ye, hubby saya xbiasa mkn bnda2 ssh nak mkn ni. Kalau iktkan dia, udang pun nak kena buang kulit semua, ikan cencaru pun sama, hbs hilang segala kemanisannya. Ikan terubuk, ikan parang, nak mkn blk Seremban je la Sya. Huhuhu... Sian I...
So anyway, if ayah buys crabs, mak would make Kari Ketam. If K Long, she would make it into Gulai Ketam (gulai org N9 ialah masak lemak kuning ye puan2, hehe). So I thought maybe I'll make something different, plus tertengok gmbar kat FB org. Haih!
Ketam Masak Cili
Tepung Jagung
Bawang Besar
Bawang Kecik
Bawang Putih
Cili Kering 1.5 sudu besar, pedas sgt ng manis ketam tu
Sos Tiram
Sos Cili
Sos Tomato
Sos Ikan
Kicap Masin
Kicap Manis
(dgn kata lain, letak je segala sos n kicap kat rumah tuh, haha.. xnak lmana2 pun xpe, xmenjejas rasa pun)
1. Bersihkan ketam tu, Sya potong 2, so sng skenak goren :D
2. Toskan, tar garam n tepung jagung, lmbung2 sket biar tersalut semuanya. Panaskan minyak.
3. Gorengkan ketam , kejap je! Kalau kering xsedap. Set aside.
4. Kurangkan sket minyak dlm kuali. Tumiskan segala bawang td, plus cili kering, smpai naik bau n pecah minyak.
5. Kecikkan api. Masukkan segala sos n kicap. Kacau2 sket, tmbah air sket. Sket je!
6. Masukkan ketam td. Gaulkan, biar smpai kuah pekat. Ke nak bekuah ke sukatila. Tp dia mmg akan jd pekat sbb guna sos tuh kan, hehe...
7. Siap, hidangkan n sila la ye, jgn malu2 :p
Monday, June 14, 2010
Ayam Bakar Mayonis & Potato Salad
Ada 1 hari nih terasa sgt2 nak mkn ayam bakar. Hehe... Semua sbb terbukak Ros nye blog :p Ros ni kenal online je benarnya, masa kat Nihon dulu. Ada sekali g Nagoya, masa tu dia dok situ, pun tak sempat jumpa, xde rezeki. Pastu Ros pindah Tokyo, skarang dah pindah Osaka, tapi kami dah laaaaama balik. Hehe... Kdg mls nak bukak blog Ros ni, sebab manjang jd lapar je, pastu terguda. Hahaha... TQ Ros! K Sya copypaste from blog Ros ye. Sape nak tgk gmbar lg menggilakan, gi blog Ros ni ye, hehe
1/2 ekor ayam ( bersihkan dan cucuk dengan garpu)
1 sudu kecil serbuk lada hitam
2 cm halia ( agak-agak je)
2 ulas bawang putih
1/4 biji bawang besar
1 sudu besar madu
1 sudu besar gula
1 sudu kecil kicap manis
1/2 sudu kecil garam
2 sudu besar mayonis
sedikit lada sulah
1. Blender bawang besar, halia, bawang putih dengan sedikit air sehingga hancur, kemudian curah di dalam bekas dan campur gula, lada sulah, garam, kicap manis madu dan serbuk lada hitam.
2. masukkan ayam dan akhir sekali letakkan mayonis, gaul sebati dan perap di dalam peti ais selama 2 atau 3 jam, bakar pada suhu 190 darjah selama 40 minit atau satu jam, angkat dan sedia untuk dihidangkan panas-panas, Selamat Mencuba.
( kalau perap lagi lama lagi sedap ayam bakar ni, dan bakar biar perang sikit permukaan ayam tu)
Potato Salad
3 biji kentang ( direbus dan dilecek)
1/3 batang carrot
1/2 batang timun
1/4 biji bawang besar
3 sudu besar mayonis
sedikit garam
1 batang sosej ayam ( direbus dan dihiris halus)
1. Hiris nipis timun, carrot dan bawang besar, kemudian gaul sebati dengan 1 sudu kecil garam dan curahkan 1 cawan air, wrap kemas dan ketepikan. Biarkan selama lebih kurang 10 minit.
2. Setelah 10 minit, tapis sayur tadi bagi keluarkan air, tekan sedikit untuk mengeluarkan air yang berlebihan, di dalam bekas, masukkan kentang yang telah dilecek bersama mayonis, timun, lobak merah dan bawang besar serta sosej, gaul sebati.
3. Sedia untuk dihidangkan, tak perlu masuk garam atau gula
- Jika mahu letakkan satu biji telur rebus yang telah dilenyek pun boleh, lagi creamy rasa potato salad ni nanti. Selamat Mencuba.
Ayam Bakar Blackpepper Mayonis
Bahan-bahannye ( sumber resepi This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it )1/2 ekor ayam ( bersihkan dan cucuk dengan garpu)
1 sudu kecil serbuk lada hitam
2 cm halia ( agak-agak je)
2 ulas bawang putih
1/4 biji bawang besar
1 sudu besar madu
1 sudu besar gula
1 sudu kecil kicap manis
1/2 sudu kecil garam
2 sudu besar mayonis
sedikit lada sulah
1. Blender bawang besar, halia, bawang putih dengan sedikit air sehingga hancur, kemudian curah di dalam bekas dan campur gula, lada sulah, garam, kicap manis madu dan serbuk lada hitam.
2. masukkan ayam dan akhir sekali letakkan mayonis, gaul sebati dan perap di dalam peti ais selama 2 atau 3 jam, bakar pada suhu 190 darjah selama 40 minit atau satu jam, angkat dan sedia untuk dihidangkan panas-panas, Selamat Mencuba.
( kalau perap lagi lama lagi sedap ayam bakar ni, dan bakar biar perang sikit permukaan ayam tu)
Potato Salad
3 biji kentang ( direbus dan dilecek)
1/3 batang carrot
1/2 batang timun
1/4 biji bawang besar
3 sudu besar mayonis
sedikit garam
1 batang sosej ayam ( direbus dan dihiris halus)
1. Hiris nipis timun, carrot dan bawang besar, kemudian gaul sebati dengan 1 sudu kecil garam dan curahkan 1 cawan air, wrap kemas dan ketepikan. Biarkan selama lebih kurang 10 minit.
2. Setelah 10 minit, tapis sayur tadi bagi keluarkan air, tekan sedikit untuk mengeluarkan air yang berlebihan, di dalam bekas, masukkan kentang yang telah dilecek bersama mayonis, timun, lobak merah dan bawang besar serta sosej, gaul sebati.
3. Sedia untuk dihidangkan, tak perlu masuk garam atau gula
- Jika mahu letakkan satu biji telur rebus yang telah dilenyek pun boleh, lagi creamy rasa potato salad ni nanti. Selamat Mencuba.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Was on the way back from Seremban last night, and this song came out on radio. And a sudden burst of memories flooded into mind. Hmm... Good ones, not so good ones.. Bad? None that I can recall. Regrets? None whatsoever, things happen for a reason. And memories serve as a reminder, of the what ifs, of days happy and sad, of things we could smile at, of things we shared, of things we knew, of... Lots of them doesn't it? As of now, I'm content with listening n singing along to this, and bersyukur of what I had, what I have now, and what I will have later in my life. It's the song that I loved, not the stories behind, hehehe
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
This is what they do when they are bored. Syahmi will switch on the webcam n they will start bergaya gaya gediks kat depan laptop. Haha... Aduhai anak, gila kamera betul!
Friday, May 21, 2010
Kena Tag (alasan la, sbb xtau nak update apa)
1) Apa yang anda akan buat bila anda tahu member anda tikam belakang anda?
Mmm... Kalau kwn yg seadanya je tuh, buat bodos je. Kalau kawan yg very tight tuh, saya akan merajuk dendiam! Huhuhu... Tapi Sya bkn la jenis yg bedendam, buatla, xpe :(
2) 6 orang di hati anda?
1. Mak ayah
2. Encik Hubby
3. Kids
4. Family
5. BFF (xyah la ckp same, malu org2 tuh nanti)
6. Friends
3) Anda rasa anda comel?
Ye! Hahaha... Kita kena confident :D
4) Single or taken?
Taken, obviously!
5) Blog yang anda suka?
6) Adakah bilik anda kemas setiap hari?
Kemas dlm kategori yg diletak sendiri. Haha... ye la, ibu kemas, anak2 lompats balik.
7) Lagu terakhir yang anda dengar?
Cinta Sempurna- Yuna
Dah dia dok kat playlist, harusla kan. Hehe..
8) Last text message?
sorry, abg xleh repair n xsempat carik org repair.
kakaka... kenapa? washing machine n fridge gua meragam! arghhh!! Mak tensi nyiahhhh!!! Nak keluar carik uncle repair, panas gilos nih! Huhu... Dugaan...
9). Last phone call?
Cik Sha, melayan kegosipan. Haha... Eh, aku suka la plan nak meneman aku this weekend tuh, aku kompem mlm krg ek, mau tanya incik Shah jap.
10) Hari terakhir anda menangis?
Mlm td, sbb dahla dmm, Sbtu anniversary, ada plak hal2 sepatutnya berlaku. Mmmm...
11) List lima color favorite anda?
Cerulean Blue
Red (Somehow the kids looks nice wearing red. Haha)
12) Orang terakhir anda ber-YM?
Tini, tp ni hampir setiap hari, hahaha
13) Game paling anda suka?
Game yg kena berfikir.
14) Adakah anda peminat MCR?
Tak kot
15) Apa perasaan anda jawab tag ni?
Tetiba panik sobab dah potang uncle xdatang lagik repair fridge! Aaaaaa!!!
16) Anda rasa tag ini best?
Tag lagi 10 orang
1. Nest (kau tgh rajin hapdet blog kan? hehehe)
2. Tini
3. Sha
4. Aja
5. Iena
6 n seterusnya mls nak pk. haha.. sape sanggup buatla :p
Mmm... Kalau kwn yg seadanya je tuh, buat bodos je. Kalau kawan yg very tight tuh, saya akan merajuk dendiam! Huhuhu... Tapi Sya bkn la jenis yg bedendam, buatla, xpe :(
2) 6 orang di hati anda?
1. Mak ayah
2. Encik Hubby
3. Kids
4. Family
5. BFF (xyah la ckp same, malu org2 tuh nanti)
6. Friends
3) Anda rasa anda comel?
Ye! Hahaha... Kita kena confident :D
4) Single or taken?
Taken, obviously!
5) Blog yang anda suka?
6) Adakah bilik anda kemas setiap hari?
Kemas dlm kategori yg diletak sendiri. Haha... ye la, ibu kemas, anak2 lompats balik.
7) Lagu terakhir yang anda dengar?
Cinta Sempurna- Yuna
Dah dia dok kat playlist, harusla kan. Hehe..
8) Last text message?
sorry, abg xleh repair n xsempat carik org repair.
kakaka... kenapa? washing machine n fridge gua meragam! arghhh!! Mak tensi nyiahhhh!!! Nak keluar carik uncle repair, panas gilos nih! Huhu... Dugaan...
9). Last phone call?
Cik Sha, melayan kegosipan. Haha... Eh, aku suka la plan nak meneman aku this weekend tuh, aku kompem mlm krg ek, mau tanya incik Shah jap.
10) Hari terakhir anda menangis?
Mlm td, sbb dahla dmm, Sbtu anniversary, ada plak hal2 sepatutnya berlaku. Mmmm...
11) List lima color favorite anda?
Cerulean Blue
Red (Somehow the kids looks nice wearing red. Haha)
12) Orang terakhir anda ber-YM?
Tini, tp ni hampir setiap hari, hahaha
13) Game paling anda suka?
Game yg kena berfikir.
14) Adakah anda peminat MCR?
Tak kot
15) Apa perasaan anda jawab tag ni?
Tetiba panik sobab dah potang uncle xdatang lagik repair fridge! Aaaaaa!!!
16) Anda rasa tag ini best?
Tag lagi 10 orang
1. Nest (kau tgh rajin hapdet blog kan? hehehe)
2. Tini
3. Sha
4. Aja
5. Iena
6 n seterusnya mls nak pk. haha.. sape sanggup buatla :p
Monday, May 17, 2010
Sanggul Arab
Copied from email;
Sanggul Arab - Is it haramAnyway, in wearing hijab,niat perlukah menghalalkan cara? I dare not jatuhkan hukum or say that it is haram wearing the fake sanggul arab.However,at the moment, I'll just forget about buying the sanggul arab thingy.
It's a trend nowadays that many muslim Malaysian women are into the new hijab wearing i.e. wearing a shawl-like syrian style hijab. I posted on my Fb status recently stating that I too, would want to wear the syrian women hijab style with high bun but unfortunately my hair is short thus cannot tie or do a bun at all.I also received few suggestions to buy fake buns online or at Arzu, KLCC.
I used to study in an arabic-medium school and had learned that when you wear tudung, you're not supposed to show any indication that your hair is long by tying your hair really high/do a bun until men can notice the presence of your long hair eventhough you wear your cover/hijab. That defeats the purpose of wearing a hijab.However, I can't remember the hukum whether it's haram or harus or makruh.
Being curious, I googled about this sanggul arab issue and found the hadith related:
“ akan muncul dalam kalangan umatku di akhir zaman, kaum lelaki yang menunggang sambil duduk di atas pelana, lalu mereka turun di depan pintu-pintu masjid. Wanita-wanita mereka( isteri mereka atau anak perempuan), berpakaian tetapi seperti bertelanjang ( nipis&ketat). Di atas kepala mereka pula(wanita) terdapat bonggolan (sanggul atau tocang) seperti bonggol unta yang lemah gemalai. Oleh itu laknatlah mereka semua. Sesungguhnya mereka adalah wanita-wanita yang terlaknat”- hadith riwayat Ahmad , jil.2, ms. 223.
Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda:
“dua golongan penghuni neraka yang mana aku sendiri belum pernah melihat keadaan mereka didunia: golongan yang membawa cemeti seperti seekor lembu lalu menggunakannya untuk memukul manusia dan juga kaum wanita yang berpakaian seperti bertelanjang, menggoyangkan badan dan berlenggang-lenggok, kepala mereka ada suatu seperti bonggol di kepala unta yang bergoyang-goyang. Mereka tentu tidak akan memasuki syurga atau mencium baunya sedangkan bau syurga itu dapat dihidu dari jarak perjalanan begitu dan begini”
–hadith riwayat Muslim. Hadith no 212-
I would say that I was tempted at first as I saw some women/celebraties/tv presenters looked really pretty wearing the syrian style hijab with high sanggul/bun. Sometimes, bila nak cantik, manusia selalu lupa pada hukum walaupon dah belajar.I am one of them. Bila nak buat benda jahat, laju je.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Using this now
Yesterday I finally took out the package from microsoft which I received months back. For what? For the upgrades. So now the Acer is officially running on Windows 7. So far so good. It's pretty, haha.. Boleh gitu? Easy (isn't all windows version easy to use?). Lain, belum betul2 mendiscover lagik.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Masuk iklan nyiahhhh!!
M name is right at the bottom there, the one titled Rawang. Hehe... Cari rezeki halal... anyone interested, do sms/call/email. I don't bite, trust me, hehehe
Monday, April 26, 2010
Ho ho vacation days are here... Trala! Trala! Trala!
That was a song my (our) music teacher in TKC taught us in form 1. Very catchy indeed, so everytime we r going for a holiday, this song would be playing in the back of my mind (wah! dramatic effects!) It's Mr Hubby's birthday last Sunday, so I treat him to a much needed rest at The Legend Water Chalet PD. Lama dah berangan, hehhehe... Nanti balikla baru update gambar. Last night we spent the night cuba mengambik gambar kilats d tgh lauts. Huhu... Kowaiii....
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Lamanya xupdate kan? Kdg tu dah bkk, tp xtertulis pulak. Hehehe... Why? No idea why. Mmm... I guess I just have too much in my mind n hands! Busy nyohhhh!!! But busy is good... For someone doing freelancing, busy means $$$ hiks...
So anyway, Syahmi said I am a little too tough on him when I'm teaching him something. Or is it that he is just like me masa pregnant haritu? Suka nangis? Tegur slow2 lagi la dia nangis, kalo kena jerit xnangis la plak! Haiyaaa...
Had Syahmi's birthday party last Saturday. Just a small one, with friends. And most importantly, he enjoyed it very much!
We are going to PD this weekend! It's Mr Hubby's birthday, so I booked a chalet at Th Legend Water Chalet. Sunday till Tuesday. Bagi boss rehat minda sket. Plus I nak gakcuti masak merasa dok atas air, haha... Mak n ayah will be joining us on Sunday, with Hadirah, of course. Mana leh tinggal yang tu! Hehe... Bagi main ngan bdk2 nih. K Long, Angah, xmo join ka? Malam tuh korg balikla, Isnin keje :D
So anyway, Syahmi said I am a little too tough on him when I'm teaching him something. Or is it that he is just like me masa pregnant haritu? Suka nangis? Tegur slow2 lagi la dia nangis, kalo kena jerit xnangis la plak! Haiyaaa...
Had Syahmi's birthday party last Saturday. Just a small one, with friends. And most importantly, he enjoyed it very much!
We are going to PD this weekend! It's Mr Hubby's birthday, so I booked a chalet at Th Legend Water Chalet. Sunday till Tuesday. Bagi boss rehat minda sket. Plus I nak gak
Saturday, March 27, 2010
KizSports & Gym Desa Parkcity, KL
This is my sister in law's (and her friend, Kak Jasmine) project. And a great one indeed! The kids learn & play at the same time. Lots of activities, brilliant teachers (both the principals graduated from australia ye, bukan koman punya, and they worked for Petronas before they decided to venture into this), lots of different classes for different ages, and well, investing in your kids is always something worth doing, kan? As long as it IS a good one, for their future.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Kuah Durian
MIL gave us some durian, well, actually BIL/SIL gave them. They brought 'some' from Sg Koyan. So... I made some into this kuah durian, to be eaten with the Roti Hailam we bought at Tesco the night before. Most people would prefer kuah durian with pulut (glutinous rice), but I prefer pulut with sambal bilis! And kuah durian with bread. Hehe..
So anyway, it is sooo easy to make. The hard part is to get the durian actually. The rest is a breeze :D
Kuah Durian
Santan (Coconut milk)
A pinch of salt
Sugar (I prefer brown sugar/gula enau is better!)
Pandan a.k.a screwpine leaves
Heat up the coconut milk over low heat. Put in a pinch of salt.
Put in the screwpine leaves, sugar, let it simmer for a while.
Next comes the durian. Done.
So anyway, it is sooo easy to make. The hard part is to get the durian actually. The rest is a breeze :D
Kuah Durian
Santan (Coconut milk)
A pinch of salt
Sugar (I prefer brown sugar/gula enau is better!)
Pandan a.k.a screwpine leaves
Heat up the coconut milk over low heat. Put in a pinch of salt.
Put in the screwpine leaves, sugar, let it simmer for a while.
Next comes the durian. Done.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Ayam Masak Merah/Madu
Xnampak pun ayam nya, menyorok. Haha... Asalnya nak goreng bodoh je ayam nih. Pastu kalut ngejar itu ini, mcm kering sgt lak tergoreng ayam tuh. Tepaksa la buat kuah (read: sebenarnya tkg msk mmg kureng sket mkn ayam grg begitu sahaja :p)
Ayam Masak Merah Bermadu
Bawang Merah
Garlic (Tumbuk)
Bawang Besar (Mayang separa halus)
Halia (Tumbuk)
Serai (Ketuk je sket)
Lada Kering
Sos Tomato
Sos Cili
Sos Cili Thai
Perap ayam dgn halia, bwg putih, garam, kunyit, @least half an hour. Jangan buang halia n bawang td.
Gorengkan ayam td, separa masak (In my case telebih grg so ikut la sukati sebenarnya, hehe). Ketepikan ayam td.
Tumiskan bawang merah, n halia+bawang putih lebih grg ayam td. Dah layu sikit, tumiskan lada kering sampai pecah minyak. Jangan lupa masukkan garam sket.
Dah pecah minyak (means lada dah garing), masukkan ayam td. Gaulkan, pastu masukkan sos2 mengikut kesedapan lidah sendiri. Tambah air sikit. Api normal ye, krg besar cpt sgt kering kuahnya. Kacau la selalu, bg rata.
Masukkan madu sikit, again, sesedap rasa. Ada org suka manis, ada org takat nak bg rasa je (aku la tuh :p).
Masukkan serai n bawang besar td, kacau rata. Kalau kuah tu terlalu kering, tmbah air sket lagi, kacau2.
Ikutla suka nak consistency kuah tu mcm mana suka. Done :D
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Dah kena pantang
This is my family's favorite, Udang Sweet Sour. Masalahny sekarang ni, chef kena pantang! Warghhhh!!! Tensi tau, tensi! Sebabnya, my right middle finger (mak segan nyah masa nak tunjuk kat dr, kang dia kata mak carut kat dia nnti, hehe), got sume infections, jad berair, gatal, blabla... Dr kata kena pantang jap, sebab masa blk SP harituh, diorg dok jamu udang n sotong, mlm nya aku nangis2 dah dek gatal. Bila mkn ubat alahan, knock out lak. Ish ish...
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Lunch with K Na & Family
Encik Hubby has his department retreat since yesterday, @Pullman Lakeside Hotel in Putrajaya. Since yesterday me & the kids had a full day, watching movies (Alvin & The Chipmunks. Cerita yg comel tp kenapa la namanya group pompuan tuh The Chippettes! Bunyinya sgt xelok! Hahaha) & all, so today we decided to stay home. K Na SMSed saying she wants to send some kuah Yong Tau Fu (the husband makes a yummy delicious Yong Tau Fu sauce, yela, dia menjual kan, hehehe), so I asked them to come for lunch. So this is what I cooked. Simple sahaja... Ayam masak kicap, sayur campur, n sambal ikan...

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